MMLHS Membership Registration IMPORTANT!!! Please read this before fill up the form. Fill up the form with the right information. Wrong details may effect your e-receipt and e-certificate being generated to you. Please understand the term of membership categories accordingly. Annual membership is valid for one year of membership only while the lifetime is for lifetime membership. No duplication or redundant registration needed for all categories. SALUTATION*PROF/ASSOCIATE PROFDATO'/DATUK/DATINDR.MR/MRS/MISSFULL NAMEIDENTIFICATION CARD NUMBER/PASSPORT NUMBER*EMAIL ADDRESS*CONTACT NUMBER/MOBILE NUMBER*POSITION/DESIGNATION*HEMATOPATHOLOGISTCLINICAL HEMATOLOGISTPATHOLOGISTTRANSFUSION MEDICINE SPECIALISTGENETICISTSCIENTIST/SCIENCE OFFICERMEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGISTCOMPANY REPRESENTATIVE/SALES/ADMIN EXECOTHERSINSTITUTION/COMPANY*REGION*Region of WorkplaceEast CoastNorthernSouthWest CoastSabah & SarawakCITIZENSHIP*Membership Category*Annual MembershipLifetime Membership for Specialist & Medical OfficerLifetime Membership for Science Officer/ROLifetime Membership for MLTCorporate MembershipIncluding management fee at RM10.00 per new application.Total RM 0.00 PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ