Improving Notification of Critical Laboratory Results in MOH hospitals [NMRR-08-566-1721] was one of the research projects for Improving Patient Safety under the 9th Malaysia Plan, prioritized in 2007 as a critical process in laboratories to ensure patient safety through effective communication. This Quick Guide was developed with feedback from clinicians, pathologists and scientists from Ministry of Health. The critical values identified and the procedures delineated were compiled according to laboratory disciplines based on evidence as well as feedback using expert group discussions and the Delphi survey technique. The procedures suggested for use here incorporates the recommendations advocated in Safe Practice Recommendations from the Massachusetts Coalition for Prevention of Medical Errors and the National Patient Safety Goals (Hanna, 2005; Haverstick, 2004). The lists of tests and critical values as well as the procedures can be revised and modified to suit individual hospital needs. This initiative has been identified as one of the National Patient Safety Goals for the Year 2012 to 2015 for hospitals. We hope this Quick Guide will help hospitals to implement notification of critical laboratory results.